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Omslagsbild för The Buckwheat

The Buckwheat

After a storm, a field of buckwheat is blackened and dry, as if it has been burnt, but why? Here, Hans Christian Andersen tells all, he heard it from the sparrow, who heard it from ...

Omslagsbild för The Nightingale

The Nightingale

A long time ago, the Emperor of China lived in a magnificent palace made of fine china and surrounded by a splendid garden that was so big that even the gardener did not know it al ...

Omslagsbild för The Elder-Tree Mother

The Elder-Tree Mother

A little boy who had caught a cold after getting his feet wet, drank an elder infusion that his mother had prepared to warm him up and his grandfather told him the story of the Lit ...

Omslagsbild för The Fir Tree

The Fir Tree

In the middle of the wood is a little fir tree who thinks of one thing only – growing bigger. He takes no pleasure from life because he always thinks about how he is not as big as ...

Omslagsbild för The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen

One day, a diabolical troll made a mirror that showed everything beautiful as ugly and all that was good as evil. Delighted, the trolls decided to carry their mirror to heaven and ...

Omslagsbild för The Bell

The Bell

A bell could be heard just as well in the town as in the country, but no one knew exactly where the sound was coming from. The bell seemed to ring in the forest and its music was s ...

Omslagsbild för The Little Match Girl

The Little Match Girl

This story, one of Andersen’s best known, tells the tale of a poor little girl who was sent by her parents to sell matches in the street. It is Christmas Even and it is very cold, ...

Omslagsbild för The Red Shoes

The Red Shoes

There was once a poor little girl called Karen. In summer, she walked barefoot and in winter, she wore clogs that hurt her feet. She had no choice, it was all she had. Dame Shoemak ...

Omslagsbild för The Elf Mound

The Elf Mound

The lizards were complaining about all the noise coming from the Elfin Hill. Rumour said that the elves were expecting guests, strangers. They were preparing a great ball. Hans Chr ...

Omslagsbild för Holger Danske

Holger Danske

In Denmark, there is an old castle called Kronborg. Situated on the coast, in summer boats come here from all over the world, but the reason for the castle’s renown is hidden in it ...

Omslagsbild för The Darning Needle

The Darning Needle

Once upon a time there was a darning needle who thought it was a sewing needle. It was indeed very fine, so fine that one day it broke, but it was not yet over for the needle, nor ...

Omslagsbild för The Shadow

The Shadow

A scholar from a cold country lived in a hot country, but he found it difficult to adapt to the climate. In the daytime, his shadow became tiny: it really was too hot for him. So, ...

Omslagsbild för The Flax

The Flax

The flax is flowering and has a happy future before him. He will grow, be gathered and transformed into beautiful fabric. He is very impatient, but he still has some lessons to lea ...

Omslagsbild för The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream

The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream

On the top of a cliff overlooking the sea was an oak tree that was 365 years old. It was an unimaginable age for the mayflies, tiny creatures who lived only one day. The oak only s ...

Omslagsbild för Twelve by the Mail

Twelve by the Mail

The bells has just sounded the twelve strikes of midnight announcing the start of a new year, when a mail coach stopped at the entrance to the town. On board, were twelve party-goe ...

Omslagsbild för The Flying Trunk

The Flying Trunk

On the death of his father, who was a rich merchant, the son inherited a vast fortune, which he quickly spent. He found himself alone with nothing except the dressing gown on his b ...

Omslagsbild för The Portrait of Mr. W. H.

The Portrait of Mr. W. H.

The Portrait of Mr. W. H. is a story written by Oscar Wilde. The story is about an attempt to uncover the identity of Mr. W. H., the enigmatic dedicatee of Shakespeare's Sonnets. I ...

Omslagsbild för Vivian - eroottinen novelli

Vivian - eroottinen novelli

Vivian on melkein kaksikymmentä vuotta vanhempi kuin Alexander, mutta hän on hyvin viehättynyt komeasta, tummahipiäisestä miehestä. Kun hän tulee kotiin ja löytää ovensa edestä suu ...

Omslagsbild för Suuri sirkusnumero - eroottinen novelli

Suuri sirkusnumero - eroottinen novelli

”Sirkus matkusti pitkin valtakuntaa, jota muinoin kutsuttiin Euroopaksi. Tänä vuonna reitti kulki alas länsirannikkoaMukana oli hyvin erikoislaatuinen numero. Se nähtiin aina illan ...

Omslagsbild för Spray Osa 2 - eroottinen novelli

Spray Osa 2 - eroottinen novelli

”Sitten hän ryömii kyrpäni luo. Toisesta suupielestä valuu vähän sylkeä.’Anna!’ Hän vikisee. ’Minäkin haluan nussia. Me. Kaikki. Kolme. Yhtaikaa.’ Veronique laskeutuu vatsalleen pe ...

Omslagsbild för Spray Osa 1 - eroottinen novelli

Spray Osa 1 - eroottinen novelli

”Veronique on liukunut niin paljon meitä kohti, että hänen on vaikeaa pitää korkojaan auton nokalla. Nostan hänen toisen reitensä ja asetan saapikkaan olalleni. Mounir tajuaa heti, ...

Omslagsbild för Señora Alicia Tavares - eroottinen novelli

Señora Alicia Tavares - eroottinen novelli

Kenneth on muuttanut avioeronsa jälkeen Barcelonaan perustaakseen yrityksen, josta on aina unelmoinut. Työkiireet eivät anna hänelle mahdollisuutta tavata uusia ihmisiä vapaa-ajall ...

Omslagsbild för Pikkujouluristeily - eroottinen novelli

Pikkujouluristeily - eroottinen novelli

Olivian työporukan pikkujouluristeily tekee hänet yhtä märäksi kuin laivaa ympäröivä meri. Hän tapaa tarjoilijan, ja he leikkivät pikkutuhmaa piiloleikkiä joulukuusen takana, kunne ...

Omslagsbild för Pianonsoiton opettaja - eroottinen novelli

Pianonsoiton opettaja - eroottinen novelli

”Hänen unessaan Christian alkaa runkata Dionysoksen kovaa, turvonnutta kalua samalla kun Dionysos tekee samaa Christianille. He seisovat nyt vierekkäin, ja kummankin käsi vetelee t ...

Omslagsbild för Mayojen rauniot - eroottinen novelli

Mayojen rauniot - eroottinen novelli

”Farkut saavat väistyä, kun Raymond kumartuu ja ottaa turvonneen kyrpäni suuhunsa. Oi! Lämmintä. Kosteaa. Hän huomaa takuulla, kuinka paljon tippoja on jo pusertunut ulos. Pitääköh ...