E-böcker / Memoarer & Biografier
Bomber Commander
Wing Commander Donald Teale Saville DSO, DFC joined the Royal Australian Air Force in 1927. From 1932 until 1939 he flew and tested private aircraft, was a flying instructor and th ...
Captured at the Imjin River
The author, a young conscript, fought with The Glorious Glosters at the legendary Imjin River battle. Heavily outnumbered by the Chinese and subjected to 'human-wave' infantry atta ...
Defiant and Dismasted at Trafalgar
Born in 1762, William Hargood's naval career spanned over 30 years, as he rose from humble midshipman to the captain of one of the most powerful warships of the day at Trafalgar. H ...
From Coastal Command to Captivity
These war memoirs of Jim Hunter are in two parts. First there is the account of his flying career in RAF Coastal Command, culminating in an extraordinarily brave attack by him and ...
Lightning from the Cockpit
The English Electric Lightning was the only single-seat supersonic interceptor fighter designed and manufactured in the UK. It saw service with the RAF in the sixties and seventies ...
Marlborough's Shadow
Several writers have remarked that Marlborough could have never achieved his great military success during the War of the Spanish Succession without the support, industry and ingen ...
Men Who Flew the Mosquito
The twin-engined Mosquito was one of the classic aircraft of the Second World War. Famously wooden-built, its graceful lines and powerful performance have made it into an airborne ...
My Fathers Son
Dawyck Haig, the only son of the great Field Marshal, was born in 1918, the year of his father's victory. His life has been hugely influenced by the legendary status accorded to hi ...
Over the Trenches to High Speed Flight
Air Marshal Sir Geoffrey Salmond and his brother Jack joined the Royal Flying Corps during the Great War and both were to have a major influence on the development of the Royal Air ...
Politicians at War
A fascinating collection of wartime memories from major political figures, many who are still household names today. Drawn from a political cross section, representing all major pa ...
Road to St. Julien
William St Clair is perhaps the only soldier to have left a continuous account of his experiences day by day from the moment of joining up in 1914, through the years of horror in t ...
Secret Letters from the Railway
Charles Steel took part in two military disasters - the Fall of France and the Dunkirk evacuation, and the Fall of Singapore. Shortly before the latter, he married Louise. Within d ...
Sir John Gorman: The Times of My Life
Sir John Gorman served with the Irish Guards in North West Europe, winning the MC for ramming and knocking-out a Royal Tiger tank; the thickness of its armor precluded any other al ...
Six Faces of Courage
Professor Michael Foot is indisputably the greatest authority on the activities of SOE in Europe during WW2. In Six Faces of Courage he selects six of the bravest of the brave agen ...
Tunnelmaster and Arsonist of the Great War
Sir John Norton-Griffiths was one of a breed of adventurer, pioneer, entrepreneur and soldier whose like is very seldom seen. Having learnt his trade and made his fortune mining th ...
Unusual Undertakings
To find an example of a full and successful, yet unconventional, military career, one need look no further than General 'Jim' Wilson. Always an outstanding sportsman, Jim found him ...
VC's of the Second World War
Published for the first time in a single volume, VC’s of the Second World War consolidates the accounts of the actions of every recipient. The medal of this ultimate honor is inscr ...
Jock Lewes: Co-founder of the SAS
Jock Lewes was a dashing young Welsh Guards officer who created a new approach to modern warfare in the SAS with less than two year's experience as a soldier. By the age of twenty- ...
Blowing Our Bridges
This action packed military memoir tells of the exploits of a young Sapper officer during both the Second World War and in Korea. Tony Younger was in the thick of the action during ...
British Admirals of the Fleet
A companion volume to the same author's "The British Field Marshals 1736-1997", this book outlines the lives of the 115 officers who held the rank of Admiral of the Fleet in the Ro ...
1968 oli politiikan ”hullu vuosi.” Nuoret vaativat muutosta. Menestynyt vasemmistolainen toimittaja Ulrike Meinhof liittoutui provokaattori Andreas Baaderin kanssa ja perusti Saksa ...
Päihteitä, väkivaltaa ja vankilakierre. Mika Törrö nousi 35-vuotiaana jaloilleen ja kamppailee nyt maailman vahvimpia vastaan. Huima selviytymistarina miehestä, joka ei suostunut a ...
Käraste Pontus
"Ställningen här är nästan hopplös och stämningen ytterst bitter och uppretad." Med dessa drabbande ord börjar kronprinsen Gustav ett av sina många brev till sin nära vän Pontus Qv ...
Gräddkusken som var Mors lille Olle
John Ersson kurade ihop sig i sin fårskinnspäls. Det var snöyra runtom honom och via släde skulle han plocka upp grädden som sedermera skulle transporteras till tysken Thoeles meje ...
Carin Göring skriver hem
Redan under tjugotalet, när Weimarrepubliken regerade, stod svenska Carin Göring (född Fock) vid sin makes Hermanns sida. Hon bevittnade när maken, Hitler och de andra nazitopparna ...