Ljudböcker / Noveller
The Last Evolution
The Last Evolution is a science fiction short story by John W- Campbell, first published in 1932. A classic tale of pulp super-science by the man who shaped the Golden Age of SciFi ...
The World That Couldn't Be
The World That Couldn't Be is a science fiction short story by American author Clifford D. Simak. Layard was a curiosity to sociologists. The planet supported thriving tribes of na ...
Project Mastodon
Project Mastodon is a science fiction short story by Clifford D. Simak, first published in March 1955 in the Galaxy magazine. Clifford Simak deals with the implications of time tra ...
Hellhounds of the Cosmos
Hellhounds of the Cosmos is a science fiction short story by Clifford D. Simak, from Astounding Stories of 1932. Earth is being attacked by horrible black monsters that appear from ...
The Wheel Of Time
The Wheel Of Time is a short story by Henry James, first published two installments in the Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1892 and included in the collection The Private Life, published ...
Sir Edmund Orme
Sir Edmund Orme is a short novel by Henry James, first published and included in the collection The Lesson of the Master, published in 1892. Henry James wrote a number of ghost sto ...
Sir Dominick Ferrand
Sir Dominick Ferrand is a short novel by Henry James, first published in Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1892. It was later included in the collection The Real Thing and Other Tales, publ ...
The Real Thing
The Real Thing is a short story by Henry James, first published in 1892 and the following year as the title story in the collection, The Real Thing and Other Stories. This story, o ...
The Pupil
The Pupil is a short story by Henry James, first published in Longman's Magazine in 1891. It is the emotional story of a precocious young boy growing up in a mendacious and dishono ...
Var du lycklig farmor?
Var du lycklig farmor? är en varm berättelse om kärlek, förväntningar och ett livsavgörande brev i mellankrigstidens Stockholm. Novellen är den uppskattade programledaren och journ ...
Anna-Karin Palm är kulturjournalist och författare. Hon fick sitt genombrottet som författare med romanen Målarens döttrar (1997), vilken nådde stor framgång såval i Sverige som ut ...
The Liar
The Liar is a short story by Henry James, which first appeared in The Century Magazine in May-June 1888, and in book form 1889. It is the story of a young successful painter’s dile ...
The Jolly Corner
The Jolly Corner is a short story by Henry James published first in the magazine The English Review of December, 1908. One of James' most noted ghost stories, The Jolly Corner desc ...
The Figure in the Carpet
The Figure in the Carpet is a novella published in 1896 in London, by Henry James. The story is told in the first person. The narrator, whose name is never revealed, meets his favo ...
The Death of the Lion
The Death of the Lion is an 1894 short story by Henry James. This short novel is a black comedy about fame, manipulation, pretension, and surviving it all. The narrator, a reprehen ...
Våran hud, vårat blod, våra ben
Ett barn står natt efter natt i Finlandsfärjans för och spejar ut mot havet. En långtradarchaufför med en blodig hemlighet plockar upp en liftare med misstänkt lite bagage. Ett ung ...
Hässja : berättelser från en trakt
"Ligg här. I skydd av hässjan, i hödoften. Det kan regna, men varken regnet eller blåsten når dig. Ligg kvar här, i den trånga grottan av hö. Se ut i diset. Byarna av regn som vand ...
Mistlar och mord : fyra julmysterier
"En risk med att vara bästsäljande deckarförfattare är att man ofta får frågan: 'Har du någonsin varit personligt inblandad i ett mordfall?'" Svaret får vi i en av de fyra, tidigar ...
Risken för ett terrorattentat i Sverige är på högsta nivå. På uppdrag av den militära säkerhetstjänsten följer kustjägaren och operatören Gustav Sterner efter en grupp misstänkta t ...
The Aspern Papers
The Aspern Papers is a novella written by Henry James, originally published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1888, with its first book publication later in the same year. One of James' b ...
Lyhyet erikoiset
Yllättäviä välähdyksiä, joissa Huovinen nostaa maailmannäyttämön etualalle usein pieniä, mutta merkitykseltään sitäkin suurempia ilmiöitä. Veikko Huovisen Lyhyet erikoiset avartava ...
Owen Wingrave
Owen Wingrave is a novella by Henry James, first published in The Graphic in 1892 A young man of good family with a long distinguished military tradition indicates that he will not ...
Lord Beaupre
Lord Beaupre is a novella by Henry James, first published in Scribner's Magazine in 1892, as the first of three tales for Macmillan’s magazine. What is a young man to do, when beca ...
The Chaperon
The Chaperon is a short story by Henry James, first published in 1893. What on earth is a girl to do when London society has convicted her mother of a dreadful sin and has ostraciz ...
The Lesson of the Master
The Lesson of the Master is a novella written by Henry James, originally published in 1888. A promising young writer meets an older man whose works have inspired him, as well as a ...