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Omslagsbild för Daddy's Girl, Second Act - Erotic Short Story
Isbn: 978-87-2628-764-6
Förlag: LUST
Noveller Romantik
Tillgänglig sedan: november 2019


Daddy's Girl, Second Act - Erotic Short Story

Louise and Johhny have maintained their relationship behind the back of Louise's mum Karin. Karin still thinks that she satisfies Johnny's every need, but in reality, Louise is the one taking care of his needs. They drive each other insane, and their sexual lust is insatiable. When Karin has a weekend trip booked, they finally have the house to themselves. Louise is quivering with the deep yearning for sex and passion. A weekend to remember for a long time to come.

Alexandra Södergran is an anonymous Swedish author of erotic short stories. Her stories often deal with taboo topics in exciting and innovative ways. She has written more than twenty erotic short stories.

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